1 min read


  1. The Sellout (Paul Beatty) isn’t quite as good as Slumberland, but that’s like saying Led Zeppelin III isn’t as good as II. They’re both reasons to get up in the morning.
  2. His Name is My Name by “creative storytelling pioneers” Jongsma & O’neill is a stunningly well illustrated and animated exploration of a painful family history and history itself in WWII era Netherlands. It’s one of the rare things on Instagram that you will spend more than five minutes on for sure, if not fifteen.
  3. The Real Housewives of Clapton T-shirt - While I typically decry the ironic commercialisation of heavy metal accoutrements, this is just so good. The relatively obscure but simultaneously global meme-ry of the Real Wives of Clapton takes strains of very white, very London inside jokes to fascinating heights with this shirt which is just about wine, but not about anything more in particular besides self reference.
  4. Tommy Tucker
  5. Light for L - NetArt is not dead.
  6. Naive Weekly - Newsletter of “Sunday postcards with links to the quiet, odd, and poetic web.”
  7. DOC - “An editorial platform that explores meaning in the world of design and invites digital product designers to expand their references beyond the UX bubble,” and bordering on art school theory world, but asking the hard questions nobody has time for.
  8. Non-extractive Architectures - More theory, and of the architectural kind, but simultaneously a net coffee table book of the built environment to just flip through.
  9. Dieter Rams pointing at things he doesn’t like - Oh that all to dear and rare German honesty. Granted, this man is essentially a god at this point so untouchable, but how he just points and shits on what are possibly seen as design masterpieces is something that sadly puts me at ease.
  10. Chairs in Star Trek are actually from now-ish