3 min read



Welcome, once again, to the Halfman newsletter. The only thing in your inbox that can make your day the day you want it to be. Put down the Ayahuasca and get this into your brain with the quickness.

I’ve gone down the damned AI text-to-image rabbit hole severely lately. Of course the majority of this is happening within my skull, but I did manage to get out this half-rant, half-actual-article about how these things affect us and the shitty job titles we can expect in the future like Generator Wrangling.

About 300 years too late, there is a tad on Ideas as NFT’s. Remember NFT’s? Probably not. They are actually cool when they’re used for things that aren’t receipts of links you pay for.

Here is November’s Top 10 because, remember, you’re worth it.

I went to Venice for the Biennale last week and sure enough it's not just one tower those gosh darned Renaissance Italians can't keep from leaning over.
Malta's bit basically rinsed the entire Biennale with syncronised, molten steel dripping from the ceiling with some sort of numeric pattern related to something about a Carvaggio painting and general awesome all in one.

The Jim Kosem Story Explosion

The Jim Kosem Mainly Short Story Explosion is back for November with absolutely nothing relating to that actual month, with 1 minute, 16 seconds of a potential chuckle and one possible double entendre.

The Dog Get’s Everything

Three ways to find out if your business contact is into heavy metal

  1. Have playlists colleagues working for large European-level, governmental institutions can see with titles like “Metal Annhilation.”
  2. Talk Slack community admin into having channel “topic-music-metal-etc" and see who joins, then love each and every one of them with ever fibre of your being.
  3. Showing up to a meeting and realising that the pyrotechnics, stage fans and Marshall full stacks weren’t just for you.

Lifehack of the month

Not incredibly stoked on cleaning your filthy domicile after 3–4 weeks of dust, disease and your kids not being able to keep their goddamn heads over their plates and days old, desiccated food all over the place?

Drink and clean.

Remember, it is never too early. Just keep the party going for as long as you’re cleaning. When you’re done you’re absolutely battered and have a clean and tidy house. Win. F’ing. Win.

Ponder This I

Why am I supposed to have a professional photo of me with a shitty head mic talking to people not listening in public?

Super Serious Forwards

Don Quixote Tells Us How the Star Wars Franchise Ends by Ted Gioia is a fairly long treatise on modern story arcs and an extensive takedown and prediction on well, how Star Wars and just about every story-world we have these days ends. Damn good read if you’re interested in how stories work and why we like them for so long. By long, I’m talking centuries.

The Year in Naps by Bud Smith is absolutely beautiful short fiction read.

Self-Care Tips

If you were ever thinking to yourself there on the couch one Tuesday evening, how you could integrate more gratitude practice in your life, try reading about The Thirty Years War (1618 - 1648, one of the most destructive conflicts in human history) while Love is Blind is on a TV in the background. Use this contrast to realise that you don’t have it so bad and well, TV makes you forget everything anyhow.

Ponder This II

“More fiction has been written in Excel than Word."

(Credit: Someone on the internet)

Man, do I love this quote. I don’t know who wrote it, but it’s Shakespeare worthy. Actually better, he’s not all that. One need only look at basically every single scandal ever, and you realise how true it is.


As always, ride, shoot straight speak the truth and always remember that your kid is not as good as mine probably in children’s jazz ballet. Sorry. Facts. World Championships innit. I keep on meaning to do some whizz-bang graphics to keep people reading, but not sure this will make a difference. Two months of Led Zeppelin references, so you should be set with what you’re listening to. It’s freezing, but because Mother Nature doesn’t like me, two degrees away from snow. This month’s newsletter is half shambles as always, but you know, it’s still fun so I’ll keep on polluting your inbox. Anyhow, have a Snickers. They have a new one which is basically a Reese’s Cup. Thanks for sticking around.