Top 10 - Feb 2022
- Cobra Kai (Netflix) – As if getting the original cast of the 1984 teen martial arts classic wasn’t good enough, they’ve somehow made the acting identical AND created a vehicle for high school to just turn into random karate fights. So good it’s hard to understand. Oh and there’s a dojo called Eagle Fang.
- Allen Strickland Knives and Photography – I’m not sure who this guy is, and what SEO evil magic he conjured to get higher in search results than the comedy writer of the same name, but you can’t beat this combination, or the wedding photos
- Gogol Bordello covering Agnostic Front
- Watching other families act like assholes
- Couch forts – Yup, rest assured, despite how hopeless we are swirled in this constant whirlpool of technological change, kids are still concerned with the emergent built environment
- Atlas Obscura Podcast
- Messa – Female fronted (forward?) experimental doom/folk from Padua (ITA)
- Not being able to decide if I hate balloons or not. It’s a struggle it really is. Sure they have an inherent, careless joy about them really, but damn they keep appearing in my house every where I turn like fucking gremlins.
- Mary Beard’s Ultimate Rome: Empire Without Limit Oddly relaxing and well paced examination of the stories of Rome and digging into what life might have been like.
- Ski Rock – I’m not sure what it sounds like or how to get a hold of it, but you just need to trust me on this, it’s amazing.