Bastion is a publishing platform you can read and provide books in incredibly readable slices on mobile devices.
Most apps and e-readers are focused on one thing, trying to shove thousands of years of printed reading into a device as is. I don’t think it should be this way.
The novel is purported to be over 400 years old, but the way we read today is not. Yet, books and narrative worlds are still presented the same way.

Bastion let’s you read large stories in bite-size chunks that suit your life.
Bastion is a way where you can explore a story world, choosing how you read through lots of things happening all at the same time. You can read all the way through one point of view of whats going on, or maybe you just want to find out what happened in a particular place. Its up to you how to explore and read.

The Bastion Book Machine

There is a content management system where authors and editors can work together to publish on the Bastion platform, creating successive versions of their books which they can keep on expanding and growing in points of view, times and locations.

Bastion for education
Help your students navigate and explore history in an engaging way, giving them a way to read parallel timelines and multiple perspectives.
Bastion for publishing
Give your readers a new and easy route to explore your author’s stories and worlds