Writing to sell to write

I’ve gotten myself into a bit of a quandary it seems.
Why one, let’s say a guy from Cleveland living in London who is an interaction designer, would want to make an app is an easy question to answer. It’s because I do this sort of thing for a living and I reckoned that the only way a guy from Cleveland living in London who is an interaction designer could try to get his work out there into the world and actually try to sell his work is to make a thing he should know how to sell, let’s say an app.
So why I threw this guy from Cleveland living in London who is an interaction designer down the rabbit hole of writing a comedy novel, about a siege that is in the form of an app that you can navigate around in and read in different ways was to sell some writing.
Stories are one thing, this I can sort of handle in my extreme naiveté. What is extremely hard is writing about the writing. I can create a funny scene or an awkward situation like a guy leading an army getting an erection sure, but can I describe 24,000 words of this sort of thing in one paragraph? That’s the hard bit. This is the hard thing to design, the words in as short of combinations as possible all the while remembering that everyone out there in internet and app land have equally short attention spans just like I do and even less patience for words.